It's Time to Choose A Healthier Lifestyle

The Malaysian Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, in his Budget 2014 speech stated that : "Statistics indicate that 2.6 million Malaysians aged 30 and above are diabetic.  If left untreated, patients will face various complications such as heart disease, kidney failure, blindness and amputation".

The National Health and Morbidity Survey in 2011 revealed that 20.8% of Malaysians above 30 had diabetes, while the prevalence in those above 18 was 15.2%.  At least 2.6 million adults in the country already have diabetes - that’s almost 10% of the population! In case you’re wondering whether you are at risk of becoming a Type 2 Diabetic, ponder over these Type 2 Diabetes symptoms below or visit  for more info:
  1. Increased urination and excessive thirst

  2. Rapid weight loss that is not due to explainable or reasonable factors

  3. Excessive pangs of hunger

  4. Skin problems such as itchy skin, darkening around the net or armpit area

  5. Infections, cuts and bruises that don’t heal quickly

  6. Yeast and other fungal infections

  7. Fatigue and irritability, chronically not feeling well

  8. Blurry vision – having distorted vision and seeing floaters or occasional flashes of light

  9. Tingling and numbness in the hands and feet, along with burning pain or swelling

  10. Blood test
I suspect that those whose job involve hours at the desk, should be more vigilant.  And do check out your BMI as well. Doing a blood test should confirm it.  However, whether you are at risk or not, some lifestyle changes such as eating healthily and doing exercises is the best course of action.

Doing exercises will be a tough one for most who are having a hectic lifestyle.  I am a lover of sports, but not exercises and the sort.  And I am usually too busy to go to the park or the gym.  In the Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide‘s ‘Exercise Prescription for Diabetes’ these are recommended:

Exercise prescription for people with type 2 diabetes:

Walking or other moderate-intensity exercise, three to seven days a week, for a total of 150 minutes per week OR Jogging or other vigorous exercise, three days a week, for a total of 90 minutes per week


Weight lifting or other muscle-strengthening resistance exercise (weight machine, etc.) three days a week

I favour walking.  I could ‘walk’ it out on my way to places or at the supermarket.

As for healthier eating habits – that’s a bit tricky. But it’s time for a change.  More veggies, more fruits and less desserts for me, and I also try to stick to eating only a half plate of rice.  Old habits die hard, so I have an uphill task to break these old habits of mine.

How about you?

Pic credit: © Kmitu | Dreamstime Stock Photos

- Brader Sports
3 Komentar untuk "It's Time to Choose A Healthier Lifestyle"

Just need to be more focus on portion of what we eat.

alamak, nak kuruskan badan la mcm ni

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